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  • Removing the Junk in the Trunk

    Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, PMI-ACP, RYT

    In yesterday’s blog post I talked about how many have a big “but” – the thing that is most holding them back from pursuing the life that would bring out the best of who they are.  What goes along with that big “but” is a whole lot of junk in the trunk.  Over time we can get attached at various levels to our ideas, our ideals, our identities and our perceptions of how the world is.  I created this mind map about attachment several years ago for a course we designed called the PM of Spring Cleaning.  Attachments make it harder to let go and move onto other opportunities.  They are the junk in the trunk.

    Understanding your various attachments can help you release them and start to pursue a life that is more suited for who you are today and who you want to be tomorrow.

    When you know what’s causing your big “but” – then you can start to release those attachments creating the junk in your trunk. There are many ways to release the junk in your trunk.  One is to develop a more “realistic” self – concept of your strengths and how you can best use them to make a difference in the world.  This is what you master by becoming a Cheetah Certified Project Manager.

    Tune into the Cheetah Learning Facebook Live event on Monday January 15, 2018 at 1 PM PST (4 PM on the East Coast) to see how to remove the junk in your trunk and get rid of your big “but.”

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